- A: Both are alcoholic cocktails, aren"t they? 两杯含酒精的鸡尾酒,对吗?
- I don‘t know much about dogs, but I like Golden Retriever, aren‘t they quite smart among dogs? 我对于狗知道的并不多,但我喜欢金毛寻回犬,它们是聪明的狗呢。
- Till that time, so-called me, so-called Dao, aren’t they just like the defoliation in autumn or the deadwood in winter? and they will be buried by a heap of loess? 直到那时,所谓的自我,所谓的道,不也像秋天落叶,冬天的枯木了吗?最终也将被黄土掩埋。”
- Why hadn’t they made sure that Tippy was tied up? 为什么他们没有确保把蒂皮拴住?
- Poor Rube.It was a shame because Bert would have to organise another heist before I could get hold of that sort of stuff again.Just the same, some people are unfortunate, aren' t they? 可怜的鲁布。真可惜,我想再得到这样的东西还需要伯特再组织一次打劫。总是这样,一些人很不走运,不是吗?
- It never rains in California, but girl, don’t they warn ya? 南加州从不下雨 可是宝贝儿 他们没有警告过你?
- Seen from this perspective, they look rather pointless, don’t they? 从这个角度看,它们看上去相当没有意义,对吗?
- No Pants Day is a day where everyone, be they students, respectable businessmen, or cherished community leaders, leave their pants behind. 无裤日就是指那一天,不论学生、著名企业家还是德高望重的社区领导人,都要脱下裤子。
- For example, if you talk to others as if you were a teacher and they students, they may perceive that your way of talking frames as condescending or pedantic. 例如,如果你和别人谈话,你假定自己是老师,而他人是学生的话,他们会感觉到你以高人一等或是卖弄学问的方式去和他们谈话。
- Its so rude!!!!!!:(Why can’t they extend it to an hour?????I don’t subscribe to SCV. 我一直认为小孩在观看节目或是连续剧的时候,家长都应该给与一定的指导。
- Are not they students? 他们不是学生吗?
- " I suppose most classes .are organized in lectures, aren' t they?" 我想大多数课都是以课堂讲授的形式进行,对吧?
- Your know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes?Why don"t they make the whole plane out of that stuff? 你知道那个用在飞机上的“不会被摧毁”的黑匣子吧?为什么他们不把整架飞机都造成那种材料的?
- In this w a y, they not only le a rn some f a rming knowledge, but a lso c a n bring b a ck wh a t they h a ve pl anted. 这样,他们不仅可以学到一些种地的知识,还可以带回他们收获的果实。
- If Sierra is a jury member also,why shouldn’t they’ve bonded witheach other a little bit more in Ponderosa,and being nicer to eachother? 最近我心情很低落,年仅34岁的歌手阿桑因为乳腺癌去世了,还有之前的陈晓旭以及一些默默无名的可爱生命都因此疾病而陨落。
- And T they advise people who see * coyotes around their property to chase them away by shouting, making loud noises or throwing rocks. 同时他们建议看到在他们的家禽周围有山狗的人们用大叫、制造噪音或投掷石块来赶走它们。
- Yes, they are. /No, they aren ’t. 是的,他们在踢。/不,他们没在踢。
- Aren't they students? 他们不是学生吗?
- There aren' t enough computers for the whole grade of students to go round. 计算机不够整个年级学生用的。